About Us

Contact the team at iHub Logistics
Reviewed by Andrew Skender 18 August 2021

iHub Logistics provides a range of management software solutions designed specifically for Australian companies.

We can help you save money and time in logistics management. Our mission is to grow your business without you having to worry about logistics.

We dedicated our work to simplify labouring by reducing duplication of administration and streamlining logistics management. You can use our system to reduce costs by eliminating the need for expensive manual data entry.

Our system is managed on a complete cloud software. iHub Logistics system include:

  • GPS tracking
  • Employee compliance management
  • Supply chain management
  • Order fulfillment management
  • Warehousing management
  • Field service management
  • Sales payment gateway

Our software can help you do more in less time.

You can view all the information of any order from anywhere in the world at any time with a simple mouse click or tap on the phone screen.